We all know that driving is dangerous and that an accident can happen at any time. But did you know that crash rates in active work zones are estimated to be 21.5% higher? It’s true, and this is one of the reasons drivers must slow down when entering a road work...
We understand that you have questions and concerns in regard to semi-truck accident settlements. Namely, what the average settlement amount is. However, we’d like to preface this article by alerting you to the fact that, at times, websites claiming to know what...
If you’ve ever been caught in a snowstorm or heavy rain while driving next to a semi-truck, you may have wondered: “Do truck drivers have to stay on the road in these conditions?” The thought of such a massive vehicle losing control in bad weather is terrifying, and...
Trucking accidents are a significant concern in Wyoming. The combination of vast open spaces, unpredictable weather, and challenging terrain creates hazardous conditions for both commercial truck drivers and passenger vehicles. Wyoming accounted for roughly 21% of...
Commercial truck accidents are usually more complicated than standard car crashes due to the number of parties involved and the safety regulations governing the trucking industry. Unlike passenger-car accidents, where fault is usually only sorted out between the two...
While Montana’s vast, rugged landscapes can be breathtaking, the state’s roads present significant challenges, especially for commercial truck drivers. Certain routes in Montana are particularly hazardous, contributing to the high number of trucking...