Many drivers experience frustration and anxiety when sharing the road with semi-trucks. Large trucks come with operating limitations and a higher incidence of driver error, which makes it necessary to drive more cautiously around these big rigs.

With thousands of semi-truck accidents occurring annually, understanding how you should safely drive is crucial, but it is equally important to remember what you should NEVER do around large semi-trucks. In this blog, we will discuss five things to avoid around semi-trucks to ensure your safety and the safety of others on the road.

1. Don’t Pass on the Right

semi trucks in a row in the left lane with a sunset in the distance

Passing a semi-truck on the right is a dangerous maneuver that should be avoided at all costs. Large trucks have significant blind spots on their right side, making it difficult for drivers to see vehicles in that area. When you pass on the right, you increase the risk of the truck not noticing your presence and potentially merging into your lane. Always safely pass on the left, where the truck driver has a clear view of the road and other vehicles.

2. Don’t Drive in a Blind Spot

close-up of semi truck mirrors

Blind spots for semi-trucks are located directly behind the truck, along the sides, and right in front of the cab. Driving in these blind spots makes it difficult for the driver to see your vehicle when changing lanes or making turns, putting you at a higher risk of an accident. Avoid lingering in these areas! An easy trick is to make sure you can always see the truck’s mirrors; if you can’t see the mirrors, the truck driver can’t see you.

3. Don’t Cut Them Off

close up of truck driver putting their foot on the brakes

Cutting off a large semi-truck is extremely dangerous. Semi-trucks require significantly more time and distance than smaller vehicles to slow down or stop. When you cut off a truck, you may not leave enough space for the driver to brake safely, leading to a potential rear-end collision. Always give semi-trucks plenty of space when merging in front of them, and avoid sudden lane changes that could catch the driver off guard.

4. Don’t Tailgate

rear of logging truck with mountain backdrop

Tailgating is never a good idea, but it is especially hazardous with semi-trucks. Following too closely behind a large truck reduces your visibility and reaction time, making it difficult to respond to sudden changes in traffic. If the truck were to stop abruptly, you could crash into the back of the trailer. Maintain a safe following distance, allowing yourself plenty of time to react and avoid potential hazards.

5. Don’t Drive Aggressively

aggressive driver with road rage

Aggressive driving around large semi-trucks can lead to dangerous situations on the road. Speeding, weaving in and out of traffic, and exhibiting road rage puts both you and the truck driver at risk. Semi-trucks are more challenging to maneuver and stop, so aggressive driving can exacerbate the difficulties truck drivers already face. Practice patience and remain calm, especially in heavy traffic or the adverse weather conditions we so often experience in Wyoming and Montana.

headshot of stinson law group team member laurence stinson

Have You Been Involved in an Accident with a Semi-Truck?

Following these semi-truck safety tips can significantly enhance your safety on the road. However, mechanical failures, driver error, and circumstances outside of your control could still lead to a collision. If you have been involved in a crash with a semi-truck, it’s essential to seek legal assistance from a qualified tractor-trailer accident lawyer. The experienced attorneys at Stinson Law Group are ready to help you navigate the complexities of your case and pursue the maximum compensation. We take on all types of truck accident cases throughout Wyoming and Montana. Schedule a consultation with us to discuss your case.